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Code Of Conduct

Trainz Forum

This Code of Conduct applies if you use the Trainz Forum or chat channels (“Trainz Forum”).

The Trainz Forum is operated by N3V Games Pty Ltd and is a forum relating to Trainz Simulator computer games.  Further information about the Trainz software is located at

To post on the Trainz Forum, you must have a MyTrainz Account and agree to the MyTrainz Agreement.

Our goal is to ensure that the Trainz Forum is a welcoming environment where people of all ages can come together and discuss relevant subjects and topics in a friendly and non-aggressive environment. 

A purpose of this Code of Conduct is to ensure that users can participate in the forums and chats without being "flamed", personally attacked, harassed or be exposed to inappropriate materials. We value freedom of expression, but not at the expense of inappropriately offending others.  We want all users to have an enjoyable and fun experience.  In short, we aim to maintain the Trainz Forum with appropriate standards of civil behaviour where users respect others. We have established this Code of Conduct to help us achieve these goals. 

Please assist us by ensuring your contributions are consistent with this Code of Conduct. 

We appoint moderators to help us ensure that Trainz Forum content comply with this Code of Conduct.   

You agree that when you use the Trainz Forum that you will abide by this Code of Conduct. 

If you do not comply with this Code of Conduct, you may forfeit your privilege to access the Trainz Forum, temporarily or permanently.  Your MyTrainz Account may also be suspended or cancelled in respect of certain services if you do not comply with this Code of Conduct.

Please take some time to carefully read and understand the Code of Conduct. 

To comply with the Code of Conduct, all messages that you submit to the Trainz Forum must be appropriate and respectful.  For example, if you are engaging in debates that involve discussing, questioning, or disputing the opinions and views of others, you must do so in a civil manner and ensure that your messages are relevant and on-topic and not personal.  This does not preclude messages that are critical or questioning in nature.  It does, however, require that you avoid commenting on the person's character and carefully consider the tone in such messages to ensure that you are polite and respectful.

Messages must show respect for other forum members taking into account that people of all ages and cultures participate on the Trainz Forum.

The following constitute a violation of the Code of Conduct of the Trainz Forum: 

  1. Submitting messages that display or link to content that is illegal, defamatory, inappropriate, offensive, vulgar, overly aggressive, hateful, political, religious, pornographic, sexually inappropriate, sexually harassing, discriminatory, racist, bigoted, racially offensive or sexist. 

  2. Using offensive, foul, rude or vulgar language on the Trainz Forum.

  3. Submitting messages that personally attack, insult, threaten, criticise, harass or are clearly disrespectful of the opinions of other forum participants, moderators or staff.

  4. Submitting messages that are inflammatory, insulting, antagonistic or made simply with the intent to provoke disruption to the Trainz Forum. 

  5. "Trolling" and baiting.  (Trolling includes messages aimed to incite disruption or stir up trouble, without any attempt to contribute positive suggestions or comments.)

  6. Engaging in discussion of race, religion, sexuality and politics.

  7. Submitting messages that are off-topic, for example not within the designated forum areas identified subject, scope or defined topic. 

  8. Submitting messages that breach any intellectual property or moral rights of others.

  9. Submitting messages that breach any confidentiality obligations.

  10. Attempting to breach forum, chat room or website security, or gain unauthorised access into user accounts. This includes the action of guessing passwords, successful or not.  Assisting others with such attempts or actions is also a violation.

  11. Exploiting, or attempting to exploit, forum and chat room bugs, vulnerabilities, or loopholes.

  12. Flooding the Trainz Forum with repeat or similar-meaning messages.

  13. Posting redundant messages, empty messages, advertisements, clearly irrelevant "+1 Post Count" messages, or nonsensical messages.

  14. Registering or using multiple accounts with intent to disrupt the community.

  15. Giving, discussing, requesting, or linking to information that is either directly or indirectly related to obtaining pirated or unauthorised copyrighted materials, unauthorised access to secure sites or circumvention of digital rights management.

  16. Registering accounts with usernames or using screen names that are offensive or created with intent to cause disruption to the Trainz Forum. 

  17. Impersonating another person, including N3V staff or N3V appointed moderators.

  18. Interfering with, criticising and / or publicly commenting about moderation decisions. 

  19. Breach of the Trainz Agreement.


Content uploaded to the chat areas, website and Community Discussion Forums may be rejected if it contains things such as:

  1. trademarks, logos, slogans, company names, get up, copyrighted material or brands of any third party. 

  2. celebrities, actors, musicians, sportspeople, cartoons or public figure

  3. copyrighted works of art

  4. phone numbers, addresses, URL addresses, UserID's or web account information

  5. provocative or sexual material

  6. violent or other offensive, obscene or indecent material

  7. nudity or semi-nudity

  8. bigotry, racism, hatred, profanity or obscenities

  9. alcohol, tobacco, gambling, firearms or pharmaceutical products

  10. images that show illegal or anti-social behaviour

  11. culturally or socially insensitive images

  12. images that display the symbols, opinions or beliefs of political groups, religious groups or other ideologies (e.g. political images, gangs, party banners)

  13. libellous or defamatory content, or content which is otherwise in violation of any rules, regulations or laws to which the images are subject

  14. content not acceptable for persons under 18 years old

We may reject any content at our sole discretion or the sole discretion of appointed moderators or representatives.


In addition, the Code of Conduct requires that you comply with the following:

  • When posting screenshots, signatures and banners please consider those users with slower internet connection speeds.

  • Screenshots posted to the Trainz Forum should be in .jpg or .png format and should not exceed a reasonable pixel size and file size. Any screenshots that are considered excessively large will be modified to links or removed altogether. It is recommended that heavy images are posted to the screenshots forum.

  • Content which falls outside these guidelines may be removed. 


We have the right to interpret the Code of Conduct and determine whether there is a breach of the Code of Conduct.  We may delegate this right to forum moderators that we appoint.  Our decision (or the decision of our forum moderator) is final.  You have no right to appeal our decision.

If we determine that you have breached the Code of Conduct, we may do one or more of the following:

  • Issue a warning to you

  • Delete some or all of your posts

  • Delete, close or move a thread

  • Suspend or terminate your access to the Trainz Forum

  • Suspend or terminate your ability to make posts on the Trainz Forum

  • Suspend or terminate your MyTrainz Account

We may do so without notice to you and without giving you the right to make submissions to us.

As non-binding guidance, penalties may be applied in N3V's discretion as follows: 

  1. Subject to the severity of any breach, generally, a first violation will result in a warning. A second violation will result in a temporary two week ban. Further violations will result in a one month ban. Repeated and severe violations may attract a longer or permanent ban at N3V's discretion. 

  2. Severe and/or repeat violations may attract a permanent ban without warning.

Note 1: If possible, warning(s) will be sent to the infringing user's email account. If email warnings are bounced, N3V will apply a temporary ban on that account until the user contacts us. 

Note 2: Account bans may be applied to multiple accounts if the other accounts originate from the same computer and are believed to be aliases of the account being banned. Using other members' accounts to circumvent bans may result in bans being imposed on those accounts too.

If you become aware of the breach of this Code of Conduct, you may notify us via

You have no rights against us if we apply or fail to apply this Code of Conduct.

Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act applies to the Trainz Forum.


You indemnify us for any loss that we may suffer if you breach this Code of Conduct.

Questions and Comments

Should you have any questions or comments on this Code of Conduct please contact Helpdesk at 


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